Level Crossings - SignalWiki (2025)

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At level crossings (railroad crossings) (BÜ) roads and tracks cross at the same level. There is of course a potential danger for the road traffic and rail traffic, so level crossings must be secured prior to train movements can take place. But even this does not fully eliminate the risk for accidents. Nowadays, level crossings are removed where possible. Nevertheless, there are still several thousand level crossings in the network of the Deutsche Bahn (DB). Therefore, the dispatching personnel still needs to know how to operate these facilities safely.

The Wikipedia article Bahnübergang (Deutschland) gives an overview of the various types and basic principles. The SignalWiki mainly describes the operating of level crossing from within the signal box.


  • 1 Types of level crossings
  • 2 Operating level crossings of type Fü (Fü-Bahnübergängen)
    • 2.1 Description of the panel tiles
    • 2.2 Behavior in case of anomalies
  • 3 Operating level crossings of type Hp (Hp-Bahnübergängen)
    • 3.1 Description of the panel tiles
    • 3.2 Activating
    • 3.3 Securing
    • 3.4 Deactivating
  • 4 Main Level Crossing Button
    • 4.1 Crossing Procedure Active
    • 4.2 Locking Indication
    • 4.3 Manually Trigger Procedure
    • 4.4 Preventing Automatic Closure
    • 4.5 Keeping a Level Crossing Closed
    • 4.6 Manually Locking a Level Crossing
    • 4.7 Manually Revoking a Level Crossing
    • 4.8 Defective Indication
  • 5 Secondary Level Crossing Button
  • 6 Level Crossing status

Types of level crossings

Level crossings are grouped by type of operation (What leads to the activating/deactivating the level crossing?) and type of monitoring (How is the correct functioning of the level crossing monitored?). The following diagram illustrates the grouping:

  • Types of level crossings

Regarding the operation, a distinction between guard-controlled, train-controlled and signal-controlled crossings. Guard-controlled level crossings are very rare. Here a guard on site is responsible for securing the level crossing. In the train-controlled crossings activation and deactivation of the level crossing is done using track circuits/contacts, which are mounted at a sufficient distance from the level crossing. Signal-controlled level crossings are activated, as soon as a route is set from the covering signal over the level crossing. The covering signal can be either a signal at the station or a block signal in the central block. The level crossing is deactivate by a track contact, that is as soon as the train releases the route behind it.

The following types of monitoring exist:

  • for train-controlled level crossings:
    • Monitoring auxillary signal (ÜS) (formerly Lo): A monitoring auxillary signal indicates the driver that the level crossing has been properly secured. The involvement of the signalbox staff is not necessary (nor possible).
    • Remotely Monitored (Fü): The state of the level crossing is reported to the signal box and can be seen on the panel. The dispatcher must react only in case of failure.
  • for signal-controlled crossings:
    • Monitoring by the main signal (Hp): The covering main signal will only show the Proceed aspect when the level crossing has been properly secured. Level crossing of this type can be completely controlled from the signal box and offer extensive control possibilities.

Only Fü- und Hp-level crossing can be found on the panel. The operation is explained in the following sections. It is possible that different types of monitoring are applied for different directions or different tracks on one and the same level crossing (for example, from one direction Fü and from the other direction Hp). In that case, the controls for both types of monitoring are placed on the panel.

Operating level crossings of type Fü (Fü-Bahnübergängen)

Description of the panel tiles

Fü-panel tile

Panel tiles of Fü-level crossings (see right) have the following controls:

  • Error indicator (Fe): This indicator lights (at the same time a buzzer sounds) when an error has occurred in the interlocking system, but which no effect on correct funtioning of the level crossing. No specific operational measures needed.
  • Functioning indicator (k Stö): This indicator lights steadily, indicating that level crossing functions correct.
  • Malfunction indicator (Stö): The malfunction indicator lights up red (and k Stö goes off) if a failure of the safety systems of the level crossing has occurred. Simultaneously an alarm buzzer sounds. The operational procedure for this situation is written below.
  • Activated indicator (Ein): This indicator lights when the level crossing has been activated (closed). It blinks when closure times out.
  • Timeout indicator (Zü): The Timeout indicator flashes when the level crossing has been activated longer than the usual time. NOthing needs to be done when this is cuased by trains following up each other closely. If the reason is unknown, a technician will have to be notified and the level crossing is considered being not sufficiently safe (level crossings being closed too long could lead that others, i.e. road traffic, enter the level crossing). In that situation you need to order the train driver to halt at the level secures, and let him secure the level crossing himself. If the Stö-indicator lights together with a blinking Zü-indicator, you need to act according to the operational procedure for malfunctions.
  • Level Crossing Button (BÜT): The yellow-gray BÜT is used together with the Level Crossing group buttons for operating the level crossing.

Behavior in case of anomalies

In case of a malfunction at the level crossing, the Malfunction indicator (Stö) lights up and an alarm buzzer sounds. It means that the level crossing is not secured. But normally that does not mean that it no longer works, and that has the following reasons:

Fü-level crossing are not covered by a signal. The train driver (Tf) does not have any information on whether the level crossing is secured or not. Does the malfunction occur whilst the train is approaching the level crossing, the dispatcher will not be able to issue a written order to the train driver telling him to manually secure the level crossing. This is why Fü-level crossing are always equipped with redeundant saftety systems (eg half-barriers in combination with light warning devices) and both systems work independently. As soon as a fault is detected in one of the systems, the level crossing will be in error-state, but the whole system as such still works and the level crossing will now staty activated continuously.

For the dispatcher this means the following: If a level crossing is in malfunction state, the first thing to do is make sure that no train can easily approach the affected level crossing. In the simplest situation, this is done by locking the (block-) signals located before the level crossing. If a train is already approaching the level crossing, this is usually not a problem (because of system redundancy) and therefor this train is allowed to continue as normal. All other (next) trains need to get a written order to secure the level crossing manually, before the dispatcher unlocks the signal.

How to fix the problem? The level crossing when a train ride and leave the Einschaltstrecke just try to reset the malfunctionning level crossing by applying the Störungsrückstelltaste (StöRT) as soon as a train has passed the level crossing and has left the track section that activates the level crossing.

If the Malfunction indicator (Stö) goes off and the Functioning indicator (k Stö) goes on again, and does this situation remain as such after the passage of a next train, then the malfunction can be considered resolved.

If the Malfunction indicator (Stö) doesn't go off or lights up again when the next train passes the level crossing, then the level crossing is considerd disturbed until a technician (you have to call the technician) call you to report that the systems have been fixed.

Operating level crossings of type Hp (Hp-Bahnübergängen)

Description of the panel tiles

Indicators of a Hp-level crossing

Hp-level crossings are distinguished between systems with and without full barriers. Accordingly, the panel tiles differ slightly from each other: For level crossings with full barriers, there is the Attention indicator on the left below the level crossing button. The difference is shown in the following images:

  • without Full Barriers

  • With Full Barriers

Additionally, these two level crossing systems are also operated differently, which applies to how the level crossing is secured. The remaining indicators and there meaning are:

  • Continuously Activated indicator (A)
  • Level crossing Secured indicator (B)
  • Automatic Closure Inhibited indicator (C)
  • Crossing Procedure Active (D)
  • Secured Auxiliary indicator (E)
  • Defect indicator (F)

The indicators A and F, and the Attention indicator apply to the entire railroad crossing, and are therefore not present for each track. The indications and their meanings are explained in the following sections.

There is also a gray-yellow Level crossing button (BÜT) for each level crossing (only in first track) and a gray track button (GIT) for any other track in the level crossing. BÜT button also acts as GIT button for the first track.


A Hp-level crossing can be activated track-related or track-independent. The track-related activation is done automatically by setting a route over the level crossing or manually with the Level Crossing Manually Close Button (ET). In this case the Crossing Procedure Active indications will lit in the respective track. For level crossings with full barriers, the Attention idicator will flash during closure and will be lit steady when barriers are fully closed. Note that you cannot interrupt the closure of the crossing.

The automatic track-related activation can be disabled using the Level Crossing Closure Off Button (AspT). The red Automatic Closure Inhibited indicator indicates this status.

The track-independent activation is done with the Level Crossing Keep Closed Button (DET) (read more there). The Continuously Activated indicator flashes until the level crossing is secured, and then shows a steady light. The Crossing Procedure Active indicators in the tracks are not lit in this case. This will only happen once a route is set on a track.


The level crossing must be secured when it has been activated and closure procedure has been completed. Once the level crossing is secured, the covering main signal can show a Proceed aspect. The way of securing the level corssing depend on the type (full barriers or not):

  • track-related, without full barriers: Securing takes place automatically after correct activation and closing. The Level crossing Secured indicator will be lit.
  • track-related, without full barriers: When the Attention idicator is lit steady, the Level Crossing Secure Button (BÜFT) must be pressed together with the GIT. The Attention indicator will go off, and the Level crossing Secured indicator will be lit.
  • track-independent, without full barriers: The securing of a continuously activated level crossing will only take place when a route has been set over the level crossing.
  • track-independent, with full barriers: After activation the Attention indicator will be lit continuously. It will go off when the BÜFT is pressed together with the BÜT. however the Level crossing Secured indicator will stay off. The last indicator will go on ocne a route is set over the level crossing.

Sometimes a level crossing can not be secured the regular way, i.e. due to the level crossing's safety system not working properly or the signal transmission towards the signal box has been interrupted. In this situation the level crossing can be secured manually by applying the Level Crossing Secured Auxiliary Button (BÜHFT). The Secured Auxiliary indicator lights on the track and indicates that the covering signal's aspect is no longer depending on the state of the level crossing.


After track-related activation the train will deactivate the secured state by means of a track circuit, and the level crossing will be deactivated as well. All indicators of the level crossing will exstinguish.

In case of track-independent activation, the continuous activation needs to be deactivated using the Level Crossing Keep Closed Off Button (DELT). The Continuously Activated indicator will go off. The level crossing will be deactivated automatically when all Level crossing Secured indicators are off.

Does deactivating not work as planned or does a train movement not take place after manual activation, then the level crossing can be deactivated by applying the Level Crossing Auxiliary Button (HAT). Before doing so, you will need to revoke all routes or overlap routes being set over the level crossing first (possibly using the Revoke Train Route Button (FHT).

Main Level Crossing Button

Level Crossing Main Button

The main level crossing tile has 7 lights and one button. Main level crossing buttons each have a yellow dot. This indicates that group buttons with a similar yellow dot can only be used with main level crossing buttons. All other buttons are dedicated buttons for each track.

Crossing Procedure Active

If you set a route towards a crossing or a train is approaching the yellow lights (D) will light up. It indicates that the crossing procedure has been initiated. You can not interrupt this! The level crossing must close.

Locking Indication

If the crossing is closed automatically it will lock itself for closure. The square light B will be lit. It is impossible to open the crossing now. Only if the square light B is on, signals allowing access to the crossing can show a "proceed" aspect.

As soon as a train passes the lights B and D will turn off. If there is another train is approaching, the crossing will stay closed and both lights will stay lit.

Manually Trigger Procedure

If you want to work ahead of traffic or want to trigger the closure because of a shunt movement or a movement passing a signal showing a "stop" aspect, you can press the ET Group Button together with the button in the track. Remember that you cannot interrupt the closure of the crossing.

Preventing Automatic Closure

If you want to prevent the automatic closure of the crossing because of shunt movements or other movements approaching the crossing, but are not going to pass over it, you can press the group button ASpT. The automatic closure will NOT occur (lights D will not be lit up if a train approaches.) If this is activated, the red light at C will be on. To cancel this deactivation, you can press the group button LT together with the track button in the crossing tile.

Keeping a Level Crossing Closed

If you want to close the crossing until you allow it to open again, you can press the DET group button together with the main tile track button. If the crossing is not closed, you will see the light A starting to blink and a bell sound will ring constantly. If the crossing is closed, the light A will be lit constantly and the bell sounds stops.To open the crossing again, you can press the DELT group button together with the main tile track button.

Manually Locking a Level Crossing

If you want to lock the crossing manually, close it first with ET or DET and when it's closed, lock the crossing with the BÜFT group button together with the track button. The square light will light up to indicate the crossing is locked.

Manually Revoking a Level Crossing

If you revoke a route, the square lock indicators will stay on. This allows you to set another route without opening the crossing. It also prevents the crossing for opening automatically. To "unlock" the crossing, ensure that no route is set over the crossing and no train is approaching. Then press the BÜHFT group button together with the track button.

Defective Indication

If the crossing is broken or has a defect that the installation can track, light F will be on. Only then you might have to close the crossing manually and lock it manually. If this is not possible, you must issue a written order for the level crossing.

Secondary Level Crossing Button

Level Crossing Secondary Button

The secondary level crossing tile has identical indications, except for the "common" indicators which are omitted.

Level Crossing status

To view the status of each level crossing in the Overview Level Crossings window, use the View > Crossing overview... menu item.

For each level crossing the following status can be shown:

OpenLevel crossing is open for road traffic.
ClosingLevel crossing is closing for road traffic, as train is approaching or route has been set over level crossing.
ClosedLevel crossing is closed for road traffic, railway traffic can pass. For level crossings with full barriers this is the status allowing securing it.
OpeningLevel crossing free of railway traffic again, and is opening for road traffic.
ErrorThe level crossing is in error. Your action is required for this level crossing.

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Level Crossings - SignalWiki (2025)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.