15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (2024)

With unmatched Dexterity and cunning, rogues in Baldur's Gate 3 are incredibly fun to play, with the potential for some fantastic builds. With three subclasses to choose from and Astarion as an Origin character and companion, it’s almost guaranteed each playthrough of BG3 will have a rogue in the party. With sneak attacks and stealth to consider in and out of battle, it's important to know what gear works the best for the craftiest heroes of Faerûn.

Whether planning to play as Astarion, the Dark Urge, or create a custom multiclass rogue build, sneaking through each of BG3’s three acts is fun. However, any party member is only as good as the gear they have, and several pieces are found throughout BG3 that boost a rogue's key skills. From armor and cloaks to jewelry and weapons, these items are definitely worth keeping an eye out for.


10 Best Feats For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3

Rogues can deal incredible damage in Baldur's Gate 3 making them essential in the party and these feats will help them reach their full potential.

15 Moondrop Pendant - Uncommon Amulet

Found In Act 1 Inside Selûnite Gilded Chest In Owlbear Nest Cave

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (2)

Being able to move around the battlefield freely can be crucial for a rogue, and the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (3)Moondrop Pendant can help with that. Taking more damage might spell disaster. Found inside the Selûnite gilded chest in the Owlbear cave, the party will have to read the Selûnite prayer to open the chest and gain its loot. The Moondrop Pendant has the feature Writhing Dance, which prevents the wearer from provoking attacks of opportunity when they have 50% or less of their hit points, which is perfect for an injured rogue to reposition themselves in combat.

14 Deathstalker Mantle - Rare Cloak

Given In Act 1 By Sceleritas Fel To The Dark Urge

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (4)

While only available for the Dark Urge, the Deathstalker Mantle was made with stealth classes in mind. Gained after an unfortunate incident with Alfira, this cloak features The Shadow Itself, which will turn the wearer invisible for two turns after killing an enemy.

However, it’s important to remember that the Deathstalker Mantle’s effect will only trigger with direct kills, meaning AoE damage or companion kills will not work. Pairing this with sneak attacks allows rogues to do some fantastic damage early in BG3 and avoid taking damage themselves.

Kinder Dark Urges can also save Alfira in BG3 by meta-gaming slightly to gain not only the Deathstalker Mantle but also the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (5)Potent Robe , which is the bard's excellent Act 2 quest reward.

13 Drow Studded Leather Armor - Rare Light Armor

Found In Act 1 Inside Heavy Chest In The Underdark

Rogues can, by default, only wear light armor, so they need a little extra assistance staying safe. The 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (6)Drow Studded Leather Armour is perfect for that, along with an AC of 12 plus the rogue's Dexterity modifier, which gives a plus one to all stealth checks. This is very useful both in and out of combat, for sneak attack damage and pickpocketing. Finding the armor can be tricky, but as Amazonia Amazon shows, once the spectator has been dealt with, the armor is very easy to pick up.

12 Sword Of Life Stealing - Very Rare Shortsword

Sold In Act 2 By Dammon At The Last Light Inn

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (7)

One of the main weapons in a rogue's arsenal is a sneak attack, and to gain that extra damage, they need finesse weapons. The 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (8)Sword of Life Stealing is an excellent weapon for a rogue as not only does it allow for sneak attacks, but it is a light weapon that can be duel-wielded as well. But what makes this shortsword really stand out is its special feature that deals extra necrotic damage on a critical hit and simultaneously gives the rogue the same amount in temporary hit points.

11 Ambusher - Rare Shortsword

Sold In Act 3 By Exxvikyap In Rivington General

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (9)

Ambusher is a fantastic shortsword that can be bought early in Act 3 in Rivington. This finesse weapon gives a plus-one bonus to initiative, which is perfect for Assassin rogues, and also offers an advantage on perception checks to the wielder. Ambusher also has a feature called Ambusher's Streak that lets the wielder deal 1d6 extra necrotic damage to enemies who haven't taken their turn yet in combat. Again, this pairs wonderfully with the Assassin's Assassinate: Initiative feature, which gives the rogue advantage on attack rolls against enemies who have yet to take their turn.

10 Risky Ring - Rare Ring

Sold In Act 2 By Araj Oblodra In Moonrise Towers

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (10)

Sometimes, one of the hardest aspects of playing a rogue in BG3 is knowing when and how to gain a sneak attack, which can be frustrating considering it is a core aspect of the class. Sneak attack is triggered whenever the rogue has advantage on attack rolls against a target, so the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (11)Risky Ring is perfect as it gives advantage while worn. Sold by Araj Oblodra, who can also make potions if given blood, the Risky Ring lives up to its name, as there is also a downside, with the wearer receiving a disadvantage to all saving throws.

9 Disintegrating Night Walkers - Very Rare Boots

Looted In Act 1 From Nere In Grymforge

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (12)

The Disintegrating Night Walkers are a brilliant pair of boots that can be picked up towards the end of Act 1 from True Soul Nere, either by pickpocketing him or after his defeat. While wearing them, the rogue is immune to being enwebbed, entangled, or ensnared, which can pose a serious concern for a class where positioning can be vital for a sneak attack. But even better, the Disintegrating Night Walkers stop the wearer from slipping on grease or ice and allow 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (13)Misty Step to be cast once per short rest for quick repositioning.

8 Sussar Dagger - Rare Dagger

Created In Act 1 By Finish the Masterwork Weapon Quest

When completing the Masterwork Weapon, there are three weapon options for the party, and the Sussar Dagger is by far the best for a rogue. The Sussar Dagger doesn't do much damage but is brilliant as an off-hand weapon, as it casts 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (14)Silence on any target hit with it. This is a quick and very effective way of limiting the options of enemy spellcasters for two turns, and Gamerpillar has a step-by-step guide on how to complete the quest to get this awesome early-game dagger.

7 Shade-Slayer Cloak - Very Rare Cloak

Sold In Act 3 By Sticky Dondo In The Guildhall

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (15)

Rogues are all about damage dealing in combat, so anything that makes combining critical hits and sneak attacks is a good option. The Shade-Slayer Cloak does just that, reducing the number needed for a critical hit by one and stacking with other items or effects that give the same bonus.

The cloaks feature, Stealthy Critical, applies this boost when the wearer is hiding, which is handily something rogues can do as a bonus action. Wherever possible, when playing as a rogue, use their bonus action first to hide to gain advantage and trigger sneak attack damage.

Some other items that give the same effect are 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (16)Elixir of Viciousness , the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (17)Covert Cowl found in Act 2, and the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (18)The Dead Shot longbow sold in Act 3.

6 Stalker Gloves - Rare Gloves

Sold In Act 3 By Exxvikyap In Rivington General

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (19)

The Stalker Gloves are a rogue's dream, as these rare gloves are specifically designed to improve the wearer's sneak attack damage and initiative. While wearing these gloves, any class will gain plus one to their initiative rolls, and just as with Ambusher, this works very well with Assassin Rogues. But the best feature of the Stalker Gloves is that they add an extra 1d4 force damage to sneak attacks, making all those stealthy hits deal that little additional damage.

5 Elegant Studded Leather - Very Rare Light Armor

Looted In Act 3 From Vault Nine

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (20)

Locked away in High Security Vault Nine of the Baldur's Gate Counting House is the Elegant Studded Leather, a fantastic piece of light armor for any rogue. In addition to having an AC of 14 plus Dexterity modifier, this very rare armor also gives a plus two bonus to initiative rolls. Aiding rogues even further is an advantage on stealth checks for the wearer to help get that much-needed sneak attack damage, and if all else fails, the ability to cast shield once per short rest to stave off any heavy-hitting attacks.

4 Bloodthirst - Legendary Dagger

Looted In Act 3 From Orin

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (21)

Orin drops two excellent weapons when she is defeated in Act 3, one of which is the legendary dagger 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (22)Bloodthirst . This dagger reduces the number needed for a critical hit by one and counts as a bound weapon. When used in the rogue's main hand, Bloodthirst causes enemies to be hit with it and become vulnerable to piercing damage. But Bloodthirst is best used as an off-hand weapon as it increases the wielder's AC by one, and when an enemy misses the rogue with an attack the wielder gains the benefits of the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (23)True Strike cantrip.

True strike gives the caster an advantage on their next attack roll and can be worth taking a Magic Initiate feat to gain the cantrip.

3 Crimson Mischief - Legendary Shortsword

Looted In Act 3 From Orin

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (24)

The second weapon dropped by Orin is 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (25)Crimson Mischief , which deals with two forms of extra damage, the first being an additional 1d4 necrotic with each hit and the other 1d4 piercing to targets with 50% or less of their hit points. When used as an off-hand weapon, Crimson Mischief adds the wielder's ability modifier to the damage, which can be Strength or Dexterity. However, when Crimson Mischief is used in a rogue's main hand, any attack made with advantage will incur an extra seven piercing damage. This stacks wonderfully with sneak attack for some truly devastating damage.


How To Beat Orin The Red In Baldur's Gate 3 (Boss Guide)

Whether playing Baldur's Gate 3 as a traditional adventurer or Dark Urge, find Orin The Red at Bhaal's temple to beat her and her cultists in battle.

2 Knife Of The Undermountain King - Very Rare Shortsword

Sold In Act 1 By A'jak'nir Jeera in Crèche Y'llek

Sold in A'jak'nir Jeera in the githyanki crèche, the 15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (27)Knife of the Undermountain King is an amazing weapon. It reduces the number needed for a crit by one and rerolls the damage dice if the original roll was two or less. This shortsword works well with rogues as it gives advantage to attack rolls against lightly or heavily obscured enemies. A'jak'nir Jeera is easy to overlook when first visiting the crèche, but rAAZ shows how to find this excellent BG3 merchant, so this brilliant weapon isn’t missed.

1 Bhaalist Armour - Very Rare Light Armor

Sold In Act 3 By Echo Of Abazigal In The Murder Tribunal

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (28)

Finally, the best item for rogues to collect in Baldur’s Gate 3 requires leaning into their darker urges. The Bhaalist Armour can only be gained from a secret Murder Tribunal merchant who will only appear if a character becomes an Unholy Assassin. However, those willing to take the plunge are rewarded with some awesome armor that gives a +2 boost to initiative rolls. But even better is the Aura of Murder, which makes all enemies within two meters/seven feet of the wearer vulnerable to piercing damage.

Sources: Amazonia Amazon/YouTube, Gamerpillar/YouTube, rAAZ/YouTube

15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (29)

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15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (30)
15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (31)
15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (32)
15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (33)
15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (34)
15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (35)
15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (36)
Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate

August 3, 2023

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15 Best Items For Rogues In Baldur's Gate 3 (& Where To Find Them) (2024)


What is the best gear for rogues in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Armor for Rogues
  • 8 Penumbral Armour. ...
  • 7 Cloth Of Authority. ...
  • 6 Shadeclinger Armour. ...
  • 5 The Graceful Cloth. ...
  • 4 Mutilated Carapace. ...
  • 3 Elegant Studded Leather. ...
  • 2 Helldusk Armour. ...
  • 1 Bhaalist Armour. The best option for rogues is the Bhaalist Armour.
May 24, 2024

What is the best gear for a Rogue? ›

The best armour for the Rogue class is Bhaalist Armour, Elegant Studded Leather, and Helldusk Armour. Bhaalist Armour is the best overall for the Rogue class because it can double piercing damage in melee range. Simply put, nothing in BG3 has more damage potential than Bhaalist Armour.

How to build the best Rogue in BG3? ›

To create the best BG3 Rogue build, we recommend putting the majority of points into your Dexterity, followed by an even mix between Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma.

What is the best equipment for the assassin in BG3? ›

At the beginning of BG3, the Assassin Rogue should equip a basic sword for melee and a bow for ranged combat. Furthermore, your other primary goal is to find the Gloves of Archery at the start of the game, which will grant you longbow proficiencies.

What is the most op class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility. The Paladins can access various weapons and armour types, allowing for diverse playstyles. Combining Extra Attack with Divine Smite results in exceptional raw damage potential.

What is the best Rogue dagger in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Blade of the First Blood is a Legendary item and arguably the best dagger in BG3. It grants the wielder access to the True Strike divination cantrip, which gives the wielder Advantage on the next attack roll against a creature, making enemies vulnerable to piercing damage if wielded in the main hand.

What is the magical item for a Rogue? ›

The Cloak of Displacement is probably one of the best magical items in 5e a Rogue could have. It's rare, so not quite as easy to find as other items, but worth the gold or the search. While wearing the cloak, an illusion of the character is projected to confuse enemies, giving them a disadvantage on all attack rolls.

What weapons should a Rogue have? ›

The best weapon choices for rogues typically include Rapiers for melee combat and Longbows for ranged attacks. Rapiers offer precision and damage, while Longbows provide excellent range. Shortswords are also favored, especially when dual-wielded, for their versatility and agility in close combat situations.

What is the best magical weapon for a Rogue? ›

Top 10 Magic Items for Rogues
  • Bracer of Flying Daggers.
  • Boots of Speed.
  • Gloves of Thievery.
  • Nine Lives Stealer.
  • Poison.
  • Ring of Evasion.
  • Spies' Murmur.
  • Stone of Good Luck.
Aug 31, 2022

What is the best subclass for Rogue in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Each of the Rogue subclasses includes several unique features. However, Thief is our ultimate pick because the Fast Hands subclass feature grants an extra bonus action. This means you can use two Cunning Action abilities twice in a single turn.

What is the best Rogue multiclass in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The best class for the Rogue to multiclass into is the Ranger because you can get the Extra Attack, Heavy Armour Proficiency, and a Fighting Style.

What is the most powerful weapon in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

However, its superiority in Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't stop there. The Everburn Blade equips players with fundamental attack maneuvers. Overall, it stands out as one of — if not the most — most potent weapons in the game.

What is level 8 rogue feat BG3? ›

Level 8. At level 8, you get access to another feat. Since we took Sharpshooter at level 4, take the Ability Improvement here and put +2 into Dexterity. This should get you to 18, allowing for huge damage with sneak attacks at range.

What is the best weapon for the assassin in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Pelorsun Blade gives you an additional 1d4 Radiant damage as well as an advantage against undead enemies. The Crimson Mischief is a dagger that deals 1d6 +2 Piercing damage as well as +1d4 Necrotic damage on hit.

What is the best background for rogues in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The best background for a Rogue build in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Urchin, closely followed by the Charlatan. Urchins get proficiency bonuses in Stealth and Sleight of Hand, which are the best proficiencies for this build, rendering it pretty much the perfect choice.

What is the best meta socket for rogues? ›

Best Gems for Combat Rogues
Meta SocketRelentless Earthsiege Diamond
Red SocketBright Cardinal Ruby or Bright Scarlet Ruby
Yellow SocketPristine Ametrine or Pristine Monarch Topaz
Blue SocketNightmare Tear or Enchanted Tear
Sep 22, 2022

What is the best gear for Rogue Dai? ›

The best armor schematic is the Superior Prowler Armor Schematic. The best arm schematic is the Prowler Armor Arms schematic. Both can be bought from the Hissing Wastes merchant. The Superior Prowler Armor schematic requires the The Short List perk.

What weapon does the Rogue assassin use in BG3? ›

Before Level 4, you should equip your Rogue with two short swords and a longbow. This is the highest damage out-put you can have. Assassin Rogues mainly Range Attack, so having a strong longbow is important. A great early-game longbow is the Joltshooter, which you get by rescuing the Grand Duke in Waukeen's Rest.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.